Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't Feel Like It

Do you ever have one those days when you just don't feel like working out? It is not that you are sick or that you are too busy; you just don't have the "want to". I seldom have a day that I don't want to work out, but I had one of those days today. I would be willing to bet that most people would say "just take a day off - it won't hurt" and I am sure that they are right. However, I decided to head to the gym at lunch, like any other day, and give it my best shot. Well, to say the least, my best shot was pretty weak. I ran about 1/2 as far as I usually do during my lunch workout and then I walked the rest. Normally, after my exercise, I feel rejuvenated/invigorated/energized, but it just didn't happen for me today. I know for a fact that this feeling won't last long, because it never does, but it does make it challenging to get to the gym.

I guess what I would say to encourage folks to exercise when you don't have the "want to", DO IT ANYWAY!!! : )

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Spring is the perfect time of year to start or re-start an exercise regimen! WHY, you ask?

S Stamina - We can take advantage of the extra daylight, by increasing the length of our workout. Why not spend an extra 10 minutes doing something that is so good for your mental and physical health.

P Pretty Weather - Get outside and enjoy the pretty weather. Most of us spend 95% or more of our time indoors. The fresh air will rejuvenate our senses.

R Ride - Riding bikes is such a fun activity to do with your family or friends.

I Include - Include your family in your routing and enjoy the flowers and trees as they are blooming.

N Now - Don't give up now on the idea of reviving your lifelong fitness goals.

G Go - Go for it!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Free Weight vs Machines

I have always incorporated the use of weights into my weekly workout routine. Over the years, I have swung from using only machines for my workout, to a mixture of machines and free weights, to only using free weights. As of two weeks ago, I added back to my typical routine of only using dumb bells, the utilization of a few of the machines.

I am not sure which approach is best, but I have heard two different viewpoints. With the use of machines, more control is applied to each movement and so it cuts down on the variation within each repetition. Coming from a different perspective, the use of free weights do not limit your range of motion and each exercise can be tailored to your individual body structure to get the most out of each rep.

As we get older, the importance of exercising our muscles and maintaining or increasing our strength becomes more important. If you are not currently including any weight lifting into your exercise routine, I would encourage you to try it. Start out with light weights, whether on a machine or using dumb bells, and build up slowly. You just might be surprised at how much you enjoy it!