Monday, April 12, 2010

Never "Felt Sorry"

Over the past few weeks, I have had two conversations with different folks about working out. After talking with them, one of their comments was, "After working out, I have never had the thought, 'I wish I hadn't done that!' " The other comment was along those same lines and it was, "I have never felt sorry that I have worked out after it was over".

Once you begin to exercise, you have already overcome the mental challenge that comes when you try to talk yourself out of working out. I typically don't have to have a conversation with myself when trying to decide if I am going to work out. However, I do have days when I'm tired or don't feel well and I believe that it is "okay" to take a day off. I am reluctant to do so because of the same reason I don't skip going to church: the first time you skip is the hardest and then it gets much easier to miss. I don't want to get into a bad habit or even open the door to that possibility!

Friday, April 2, 2010


I realize this blog is suppose to be centered around exercise, but I am going to talk about something a little different this week.

I had a special friend to pass away this week. His name was Leroy Carver and was 84 years old. We sang in the choir together at our church and I never saw him without a smile on his face. He was a special person to so many people, young and old, and was an inspiration to all he met. He embodied the action of love as he went about his daily activities and he showed that love is not a feeling, but is a choice!

I want to be more like Leroy as I walk through my daily routine and am trying to be more engaging with folks that, even though I may not know them, show love to them.

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter.