Thursday, October 29, 2009

National Runners' Health Survey

When I was going through my graduate program, I learned that surveys typically have a very low response rate. Since that time, I have tried to respond to any surveys that I receive through the mail to help out various research teams.

One of the surveys that I have received comes from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). They are trying to assess the impact of running on the health to runners over a period of time. The first one that I filled out and returned happened about 3 or 4 years ago; I received the second survey this week The questions cover your exercise routine, current health status, what-if situations (ex. if you were unable to exercise, would you be depressed?, etc.), and exercise goals for the future.

As I went through the process of filling out the survey, I was reminded of why I include exercise into my daily activities. The health benefits are huge! Every so often, it is difficult to stay committed to living healthy. The survey has helped to motivate me and recommit to daily exercise. Thanks to you, LBNL!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Works For You?

I was talking with a lady the other day in the locker room after workout. We were comparing our strategies for exercising. She likes to try to improve her mile time during the week on the treadmill, because she doesn't have a chance to run on the weekends. Her husband is very tall and running is hard on his body. However, they do take their dog for walks and her son rides his bike on the weekends. My week day workouts don't vary much on a day-to-day basis. I try to run on the treadmill 3 days a week and lift weight two days a week. I set the treadmill speed to the same speed everyday and I repeat the same weight routine. I am so rushed at lunch that I don't take the time to vary my workouts. Weekends are days that I try to improve my times and do different types of exercises with my family.

All of that to say, we all don't have to have the same workout routine to be successful at living a healthy life. It is important to have a program that works for you and make it part of your everyday life. So, the big question for you is.....What works for you?!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Saving Time!

For some reason, I had some fabulous runs over the weekend. I was able to improve my normal run time for 5 miles by 4 minutes on Saturday and 3 minutes on Sunday. I am not sure why I had such success, but I really enjoyed it! The temperature was in the mid-50's, with no humidity, and no rain. One couldn't hope for a more perfect day in regard to the weather. However, I could tell that I had run at a faster pace on the following Monday, because my calf muscles were sore. Feeling sore, for me, is confirmation that I have worked really hard during my workout routine.

I don't know if I am going to be able to save this much time every weekend during the fall season, but I am going to give it my best shot!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sporadic Exercising

Do you ever have "one of those weeks" where so many things get in the way of your regular routine? I AM HAVING ONE OF THOSE WEEKS! When I start thinking about all of the distractions that have gotten in the way of my workouts this week, they all sounds like excuses. Work has been so hectic and busy and I have had to work through lunch. In the evenings, we have had errands to run and other commitments and so I haven't had time. I am sure I will get back on my normal workout schedule. I just hope that it comes sooner rather than later.