Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Works For You?

I was talking with a lady the other day in the locker room after workout. We were comparing our strategies for exercising. She likes to try to improve her mile time during the week on the treadmill, because she doesn't have a chance to run on the weekends. Her husband is very tall and running is hard on his body. However, they do take their dog for walks and her son rides his bike on the weekends. My week day workouts don't vary much on a day-to-day basis. I try to run on the treadmill 3 days a week and lift weight two days a week. I set the treadmill speed to the same speed everyday and I repeat the same weight routine. I am so rushed at lunch that I don't take the time to vary my workouts. Weekends are days that I try to improve my times and do different types of exercises with my family.

All of that to say, we all don't have to have the same workout routine to be successful at living a healthy life. It is important to have a program that works for you and make it part of your everyday life. So, the big question for you is.....What works for you?!

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