Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lame Workouts!

This past week, I have had some really lame workouts!

I have been rushing through my weight lifting and not completing all of my exercises to try to get back to the office. During my run on Sunday afternoon, I had to stop and walk at mile 3.5 for about a 1/2 of a mile - I really hate to walk; it makes me feel like I didn't get in a full workout. Yesterday, I totally missed getting to the gym.

I have come to realize that I can't have a perfect workout every day or every exercise session. I am not going to let myself get down or depressed about it; I just have to take each workout, one at a time and give it my all.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Motivations for a Healthy Life!

I know that each person has their own reasons for living a healthy life. I wanted to share a few things that motivate me to get to the gym for a workout or get outside and go for a run or a bike ride.

I have been a member of the Summit for over 6 years and try to get in a daily work out on my lunch break during the work week. Since I try to go to the gym around the same time each day, I tend to see the same group of fellow exercisers (is that a word?) everyday. Even though we don't necessarily talk or know each other on a personal level, I feel accountable to those folks to be there on a regular basis. Believe me, you know when someone is on vacation or has been sick because you miss seeing them working out.

On the weekends, I tend to go for a run outside; on Saturday's it is usually in the morning and on Sunday's it is in the afternoon. My motivation comes from wanting to be a good example for my family. My husband and I will run while my 9 year old son rides his bike along side us. It is time well spent for us as a family.

I have several other things that motivate me, but I am only going to mention one more. Since I included working out as part of my daily routine, I physically crave the feeling of exercising! I am not sure how long it took for me to start getting the added benefit of a mental boost, but I can tell you, if I have to miss a work out, I notice that I don't have as much physical or mental energy. I am sure that sounds strange unless you have experienced it, but I can tell you it is real!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fitness Journey - Nutrition Breakdown!

This post will be a mixture of encouraging words and some steps backwards in my fitness journey.

I had taken about three weeks off from lifting weights and I was having a difficult time finding the motivation to start back. Finally, last Friday, I decided that "today was the day". The energy that I felt after finishing that first weight workout reminded my of why I enjoy lifting!

Another challenge for me this week has been only eating foods that have nutritional value. Sometimes I really fall off of the wagon on this topic. I, not only fell off of the wagon, but the wagon rolled backwards over me and I have had a whale of a time jumping back on! As of this morning, I am ready to recommit to a diet of nutritional foods and to drinking plenty of water.

As a word of encouragement, if you ever find yourself straying from healthy living, you can't turn back the clock, but you can start from where you are today and make better choices. One phrase that I have adopted is, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life!"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fitness Journey

Today, I start my fitness blog and I am so excited to share my fitness journey with you.

Just to give a brief background, I began incorporating exercise into my daily routine about 21 years ago. One of the reasons that I have been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle is due to support from my family. It is critical to my fitness success to have the support of not only my husband and son, but also my extended family. We spend quite a bit of our family time enjoying activities outside as a family, such as playing tennis, biking, running, hiking, etc. and without their involvement, I would not be able to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Another important aspect of fitness that is important to me is eating healthy. For some reason, this piece is more difficult for me to maintain. I try to eat salads when I go out to eat and we cook using low fat ingredients at home.

I began today's posting talking about fitness being a journey and, indeed, it is a journey! I not only have to take it one day at a time to muster the motivation to get to the gym or to get outside and exercise, but I have to view it as another part of my daily routine, like brushing my teeth. I wouldn't go a day without brushing my teeth and so I shouldn't go a day (or most days) without exercising. My motto with regard to fitness.... It is NOT an option!