Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gym Substitute

When I got to the gym today during lunch, I was getting dressed and I discovered that I didn't have my tennis shoes in my gym bag. Consequently, I didn't get to do my workout. So, after dinner tonight, my family and I took my dog for a mile and a half walk. Even though it wasn't my normal workout or at the typical intensity level, it felt good to get outside and get some exercise.

All of that to say, even if you can't get to a gym setting for daily exercise, alternate solutions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be found if you are creative!

1 comment:

  1. Holly,
    I admire that you walked when you got home...it's so frustrating to get to the gym and realize that you have forgotten something essential to working out, such as your shoes. I showed up to give a cycling class with no music! I wanted to cry...thankfully they had some extra cds at the gym, but of course not what I planned my ride to! I've been meaning to post on your blog for awhile now...I've really enjoyed reading it!
