Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beach Running

For the past five years, I have gone with about ten ladies for a long weekend trip during the last week of January. We have been on two cruises, to Fredricksburg, and to Galveston. We are going back to Galveston for this year's trip and it starts tomorrow! I am so excited to be away from work for a few days, but getting out of my daily routine impacts my workouts. I am not too fond of running on the beach, because it is just too dang hard! I normally end up running on the streets through various neighborhoods when I am in Galveston. However, this year, I am going to challenge myself to do my runs on the beach. I will probably end up with sore muscles as a result, but that is a good thing, right?

I think that it is good to try new workouts occasionally, even though it makes exercise more challenging.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Diversion Tactic

The other day, I was talking with a friend at the gym while we were getting ready to go back to work. She was telling me that she had not been able to work out for a few days due to part of her family being in the hospital. After a few days of being at the bedside of her father, she was finally able to take a break - and what did she choose to do, you ask? Well, she took the opportunity to go to the gym to get her mind off of her stressful time and exercise her body.

I am convinced that using exercise as a diversion tactic during times of not feeling well, stressful times, or just a busy season of life, will help one to have a better outlook on life!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sore Muscles

I was talking with a friend that I, not only work with at my place of employment, but we also workout together at the gym. We were discussing the fact that when we have sore muscles after exercising, we feel like we have had a successful workout. This week, I started spending more time in the weight room and have experienced some sore muscles. It is not so sore that I am unable to walk normal, squat down, etc., but enough so that I know that I have worked my body beyond the norm. It may sound strange to some, but it is a great feeling to experience.

Let's hear it for sore muscles!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Workout Partner - It's A Good Thing!

Having a workout partner is a way to ensure that you have a successful exercise program. Being accountable to someone else is, sometimes, the only motivation one might have to workout. Since I have been married, my husband, Terry, and I have enjoyed working out together. Of course, it hasn't always been possible to do, but when it has been, we have tried to fit in it into our daily routine. Terry has his own business and works from home and so he has enjoyed running for his exercise. However, he has recently decided to join a gym and start incorporating weight lifting into his routine. I am so excited that he has made the decision to add this to his exercise program, because this will enable us to go on the weekends so that I can get in some extra time with the weights.

If you have someone that you could get to be your workout partner, I would encourage you to do so. Not only will you be doing them a favor by getting them to exercise, you will have more motivation to stay committed to your daily routine!