Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Now THAT'S Motivation!

This past weekend, my family and I went out of town to see my in-laws. In the town where they live, they have this really nice lake/park where you can fish, run, walk your dog, etc. When we are in town, my husband and I will run to the park from my in-law's house, run around the lake a couple of times, and then run back home. It all adds up to about four and a quarter miles. Well, this past weekend and much to our surprise, they were having a special event at the lake. It was a fishing competition for the kids and there were boatloads of people in attendance! We ran our normal pace to get to the lake and then when we arrived, our pace picked up quite a bit. It is a very motivating atmosphere when a whole bunch of people are watching you run by on your route!

After we got finished, we talked about how, even if we wanted to stop and walk for a few minutes, there wasn't a chance of stopping. We definitely benefitted from the extra motivation and were able to get in an extra good run!

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