Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Summit - Great Place to Workout

I started working in Temple 5 1/2 years ago. One of the first things that I did prior to starting to work was to find a gym. I visited a few gyms around town and then I heard about the Summit. It has been a great choice for me in many respects.

The location is extremely convenient to my office, which cuts down on the time I have to spend in my car getting to the gym and back to the office. I want as much of my lunch time as possible to be spent working out.

The price is very competitive when you compare the annual fee with other gyms. This aspect definitely sweetens the deal for me.

The staff are always willing to respond promptly to requests, especially when it is within their control to address. I had recently made a comment about the volume level of the T.V.s needing to be turned up so that we could hear it through the head phones. The request has been addressed and now I can hear and watch my favorite soap (Days of Our Lives)! We requested another fan in the ladies dressing room and, the next day, we had an additional fan.

If you are looking around town for a great gym, check out the Summit!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I LOVE the Fall Season

Fall is a great time of year to start or resume an exercise program. If you are outside working out, you can enjoy the comfortable temperature, as well as, the beautiful change in the color of the trees. If you are at the gym, you can take advantage of the increased availability of all of the equipment due to school being back in session. If one continues to workout during all of the fall season, by the time winter arrives, it will have become a part of your weekly or daily routine and it will not be as difficult to stay committed during the winter.

During my outside workouts on the weekend, my family and I see an obvious increase in the number of folks exercising. Everyone you pass, is smiling and enjoying themselves. In contrast, during the summer, IF you pass someone, no one ever speaks or smiles because we all just trying to slug through the workout in the heat!

Take advantage of this time of the year and start making exercise part of your life!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not-so-great Workouts

I don't know what my problem has been this week, but I have had a difficult time with my workouts. It seems like each one has been a struggle to start and complete. Out of my many years of exercising, I have not had many times when I didn't look forward to working out. I remember, in 2002, my husband, Terry, and I trained for a full marathon for 8 months. After we finished running on race day, my motivation to exercise disappeared for about 6 weeks. I couldn't believe it and I was very concerned, at the time. Eventually, my drive and love for working out returned. I guess this is just "one of those times".

Here's to a better week worth of workouts!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Running - Exercise of Choice

If you have had a chance to read any of my previous posts, I am sure that you have come to realize that I am an avid runner. If I had to pick my favorite exercise, it would definitely be running. The reasons for my love for running are many!

First, I love the fact that, no matter where I am, I can go for a run. Whether I am out of town on vacation, away on a business trip, or at home on the weekends, I can put on a pair of tennis shoes and get after it!

Second, it is a very inexpensive sport in which to participate. As long as you have a good pair of shoes, a pair of shorts, and a t-shirt, you are good-to-go. No need to invest money in expensive equipment where running is concerned.

Third, it gives you the freedom to be outdoors or indoors (if it is raining); whatever works best for you on a particular day.

Forth, it is a flexible exercise in that you can do it in groups or by yourself. I typically run by myself during the week, but on the weekends, my family participates.

Fifth, it is a multi-seasonal sport so that you can enjoy it year-round.

As a note to the readers, my dad was a Baptist minister. Growing up, I learned the "art" of using three points from his sermons, but I had to add in a few extras on this topic! If you haven't tried running and you are in good physical condition, give it a try. You MIGHT just come to love running as much as I do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School is BACK!!!

School is back in session and there are so many things that I love about this time of year.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the fabulous weather! I am sure that you are thinking "it's 90 degrees outside today!". Let's face it, ninety beats 104 degrees any day! The fall is such a beautiful time of year and a great time to enjoy outdoor activities.

The next thing that I love is football season. My family and I attend the Baylor games and it is such a fun time together. I also play fantasy football with a group of co-workers, which gives everyone an excuse to give each other a hard time about winning and losing!

The other reason I love starting back to school is that the gym activity at lunch time (which is workout time for me) decreases dramatically. During the summer, it is difficult to find room to workout in the weight room. Now that it is September, we are back to the regular group of folks and much more space!

Three cheers for school and TEN for teachers!