Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Summit - Great Place to Workout

I started working in Temple 5 1/2 years ago. One of the first things that I did prior to starting to work was to find a gym. I visited a few gyms around town and then I heard about the Summit. It has been a great choice for me in many respects.

The location is extremely convenient to my office, which cuts down on the time I have to spend in my car getting to the gym and back to the office. I want as much of my lunch time as possible to be spent working out.

The price is very competitive when you compare the annual fee with other gyms. This aspect definitely sweetens the deal for me.

The staff are always willing to respond promptly to requests, especially when it is within their control to address. I had recently made a comment about the volume level of the T.V.s needing to be turned up so that we could hear it through the head phones. The request has been addressed and now I can hear and watch my favorite soap (Days of Our Lives)! We requested another fan in the ladies dressing room and, the next day, we had an additional fan.

If you are looking around town for a great gym, check out the Summit!

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