Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Running - Exercise of Choice

If you have had a chance to read any of my previous posts, I am sure that you have come to realize that I am an avid runner. If I had to pick my favorite exercise, it would definitely be running. The reasons for my love for running are many!

First, I love the fact that, no matter where I am, I can go for a run. Whether I am out of town on vacation, away on a business trip, or at home on the weekends, I can put on a pair of tennis shoes and get after it!

Second, it is a very inexpensive sport in which to participate. As long as you have a good pair of shoes, a pair of shorts, and a t-shirt, you are good-to-go. No need to invest money in expensive equipment where running is concerned.

Third, it gives you the freedom to be outdoors or indoors (if it is raining); whatever works best for you on a particular day.

Forth, it is a flexible exercise in that you can do it in groups or by yourself. I typically run by myself during the week, but on the weekends, my family participates.

Fifth, it is a multi-seasonal sport so that you can enjoy it year-round.

As a note to the readers, my dad was a Baptist minister. Growing up, I learned the "art" of using three points from his sermons, but I had to add in a few extras on this topic! If you haven't tried running and you are in good physical condition, give it a try. You MIGHT just come to love running as much as I do.

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