Monday, November 30, 2009

Vacations are Great, but.......

I love to go on vacation! I love the planning, the packing, the journey to the destination, and the trip. However, I think that what I love most about vacations is getting back home! I am certain that statement could get me admitted to a psychiatric ward, but it is true. When I am out of town, I don't sleep as well, eat as healthy, or stay on my exercise routine. Vacations always make me appreciate my home, my job, my family, and my routine.

I went skiing in Crested Butte, Colorado last week for the Thanksgiving holiday. We had a fabulous time being away from our every day life, seeing beautiful scenery, and hitting the slopes. I must say, that I am very thankful to be able to get away for a few days, but I am also very blessed to have such a wonderful life to which to come back.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BAD Shoes!

Well, I did it again. I wore my old shoes last week during a weekend run. It had been raining outside and I didn't want to get my newer shoes all yucky during my run. I searched through my closet and dug out my old shoes that I had run into the ground last year. Boy, was that a mistake! It felt like I was running barefoot for five miles. Afterwards, my legs paid the price by being extra sore. I have made that wrong choice before, but I guess it had been a while and so I forgot what the repercussions would be.

A very wise lady once told me that it is so important and worth the investment to have good shoes. She use to say, "if your feet hurt, it affects your whole body". Shoes are a base, our foundation for our body's stability.

During that particular run, it turned out that the roads were mostly dry and I wouldn't have messed up my "good" shoes after all. Next time it rains, I will not be so quick to use old, BAD shoes!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Winter Sports

It is that time of year again: winter sports!

My family and I are getting ready to go skiing next week in Crested Butte, Colorado with my parents. My folks don't ski much anymore and so they stay close to the condo while my husband, son, and I are on the slopes. We have some wonderful friends that allow us to use their condominium for the week that is located such that when you walk out of the back sliding glass door, you are able to put on skis and ski down to the lift. At the end of the day, we can ski back to the door! It is such an awesome set-up and we are so blessed to have such generous friends. We try to go each year during the Thanksgiving holiday break since it coincides with my birthday.

I have to say that the year round running and weight training that I do has always helped me to be prepared for this particular week of the year. My legs don't get tired or sore from the extra strain and I don't get as winded as I would with the higher altitude. Just another great reason to add exercise to a daily routine!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Soap Time

When I began my college career, I starting watching Days of Our Lives. I realize that most people probably wouldn't admit to following a soap opera, but I have watched the show for a while and really enjoy the characters. When my husband and I first got married, we would tape the show during the day and then watch it in the evenings. Since I am now working out on my lunch break, I can schedule it so that I can get in front of one of the T.V.s at the Summit, plug in a headset to a radio on one of the treadmills, and watch Days! It makes my workout fly by since I am not thinking so much about the exercise, but concentrating more on the show.

If you have the flexibility in your schedule and you have a favorite show, give it a try. Your workout will be over in a jif!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eat What You Want?

A common question that I get from various folks is "do you eat what you want?". I always have to think about how I answer the question, because it is not a simple answer. I actually do eat what I want to eat, but what I want to eat may be very different than what the person asking the question wants to eat. I like a variety of foods, but I don't like fried food. I rarely eat fattening foods, and when I do, my digestive system has a fit trying to process it! I would rather make something at home to eat since I know exactly what ingredients are used rather than going to a restaurant. My family and I try to keep eating out to once a week, but sometimes with a busy schedule, it is difficult to stick to that goal.

I believe that once you get use to eating a certain way, you become accustomed to it. I can certainly always do better (fewer sweets!), but I just take one day at a time and do the best that I can.