Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BAD Shoes!

Well, I did it again. I wore my old shoes last week during a weekend run. It had been raining outside and I didn't want to get my newer shoes all yucky during my run. I searched through my closet and dug out my old shoes that I had run into the ground last year. Boy, was that a mistake! It felt like I was running barefoot for five miles. Afterwards, my legs paid the price by being extra sore. I have made that wrong choice before, but I guess it had been a while and so I forgot what the repercussions would be.

A very wise lady once told me that it is so important and worth the investment to have good shoes. She use to say, "if your feet hurt, it affects your whole body". Shoes are a base, our foundation for our body's stability.

During that particular run, it turned out that the roads were mostly dry and I wouldn't have messed up my "good" shoes after all. Next time it rains, I will not be so quick to use old, BAD shoes!

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