Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eat What You Want?

A common question that I get from various folks is "do you eat what you want?". I always have to think about how I answer the question, because it is not a simple answer. I actually do eat what I want to eat, but what I want to eat may be very different than what the person asking the question wants to eat. I like a variety of foods, but I don't like fried food. I rarely eat fattening foods, and when I do, my digestive system has a fit trying to process it! I would rather make something at home to eat since I know exactly what ingredients are used rather than going to a restaurant. My family and I try to keep eating out to once a week, but sometimes with a busy schedule, it is difficult to stick to that goal.

I believe that once you get use to eating a certain way, you become accustomed to it. I can certainly always do better (fewer sweets!), but I just take one day at a time and do the best that I can.

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