Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Now THAT'S Motivation!

This past weekend, my family and I went out of town to see my in-laws. In the town where they live, they have this really nice lake/park where you can fish, run, walk your dog, etc. When we are in town, my husband and I will run to the park from my in-law's house, run around the lake a couple of times, and then run back home. It all adds up to about four and a quarter miles. Well, this past weekend and much to our surprise, they were having a special event at the lake. It was a fishing competition for the kids and there were boatloads of people in attendance! We ran our normal pace to get to the lake and then when we arrived, our pace picked up quite a bit. It is a very motivating atmosphere when a whole bunch of people are watching you run by on your route!

After we got finished, we talked about how, even if we wanted to stop and walk for a few minutes, there wasn't a chance of stopping. We definitely benefitted from the extra motivation and were able to get in an extra good run!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Great News!

Approximately 2 years ago, my parents were walking for exercise about 3 times a week and they seem to be feeling well, strong, and healthy. I was so proud of them because they had never participated in any type of formal exercise routine until then. However, for some reason, they just stopped walking and said they were too tired or didn't have enough time. My parents, now in their 70's, are experiencing a decline in their energy levels. I have tried to encourage them to start walking again since the weather is nice just to see if it improved their stamina. Now, for the good news. My Mom called me last night (as she does every night!) and told me that she and Dad had just gotten back from a walk! To say the least, I was thrilled. I hope that the exercise will benefit them like I think it will, but we will have to wait and see.

The first step is always the toughest, but it is a step in the right direction!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


After the holidays this year, I, unfortunately, gained five pounds. I have been struggling since, to lose the weight. I realize that five pounds doesn't sound like much extra weight, but since I have a small frame, it make a difference in how I feel. I have been exercising and trying to watch what I eat since January, but not until today, did I see a difference on the scales. Finally, I have lost three of the five that I intend to lose and I am so excited! I was so pumped when I left the gym today.

Going through this process reinforces the importance of sticking to a plan, even if you don't see results right away. In the long run, the benefits will surely come!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Too Good Too Be True

Every so often, I wake up in the middle of the night and am unable to get back to sleep. I end up turning on the T.V. and flipping through the channels, just to make my eyes tired. It is amazing how many diet and exercise programs that people are selling in the middle of the night! The sales pitch for one of the products for sell was some sort of pill that you could take to make you lose weight and you wouldn't even have to exercise! The commercial showed these very fit looking people with great figures and claimed that they achieved their bodies by taking this pill. I am sure that they probably sell quite a bit of their product, but I am afraid that the consumers are going to be terribly disappointed. I believe that the saying that goes "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is" us quite true!

A healthy lifestyle and fit body only comes with a dedication to eating right and getting exercise.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Never "Felt Sorry"

Over the past few weeks, I have had two conversations with different folks about working out. After talking with them, one of their comments was, "After working out, I have never had the thought, 'I wish I hadn't done that!' " The other comment was along those same lines and it was, "I have never felt sorry that I have worked out after it was over".

Once you begin to exercise, you have already overcome the mental challenge that comes when you try to talk yourself out of working out. I typically don't have to have a conversation with myself when trying to decide if I am going to work out. However, I do have days when I'm tired or don't feel well and I believe that it is "okay" to take a day off. I am reluctant to do so because of the same reason I don't skip going to church: the first time you skip is the hardest and then it gets much easier to miss. I don't want to get into a bad habit or even open the door to that possibility!

Friday, April 2, 2010


I realize this blog is suppose to be centered around exercise, but I am going to talk about something a little different this week.

I had a special friend to pass away this week. His name was Leroy Carver and was 84 years old. We sang in the choir together at our church and I never saw him without a smile on his face. He was a special person to so many people, young and old, and was an inspiration to all he met. He embodied the action of love as he went about his daily activities and he showed that love is not a feeling, but is a choice!

I want to be more like Leroy as I walk through my daily routine and am trying to be more engaging with folks that, even though I may not know them, show love to them.

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't Feel Like It

Do you ever have one those days when you just don't feel like working out? It is not that you are sick or that you are too busy; you just don't have the "want to". I seldom have a day that I don't want to work out, but I had one of those days today. I would be willing to bet that most people would say "just take a day off - it won't hurt" and I am sure that they are right. However, I decided to head to the gym at lunch, like any other day, and give it my best shot. Well, to say the least, my best shot was pretty weak. I ran about 1/2 as far as I usually do during my lunch workout and then I walked the rest. Normally, after my exercise, I feel rejuvenated/invigorated/energized, but it just didn't happen for me today. I know for a fact that this feeling won't last long, because it never does, but it does make it challenging to get to the gym.

I guess what I would say to encourage folks to exercise when you don't have the "want to", DO IT ANYWAY!!! : )