Thursday, December 31, 2009

Small Town Workout

One of the many reasons that I enjoy going out of town to visit my in-laws, is the variation that I get in my workouts. My husband's parents live in a small town in Texas called Iowa Park. While we are in town seeing them, I have a couple of options when it comes to working out. One is to run at a lake that is located in town. They have a nice trail around the perimeter of the lake, along with several workout stations along the route. The scenery gives me a nice change to my normal routine. The other option that I have is going to a gym that is in downtown I.P. Each member gets their own key and you are free to come and go anytime that is convenient. Of course, since I am off from work while I am there, I can spend as much time exercising as necessary. The gym has plenty of weight and aerobic equipment to choose from an it is never busy!

I love my regular routine, but it is nice to be able to experience exercise in various locations. Rather than laying off of working out while you are out of town, enjoy the varation that can be added to your routine!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Perfect Timing

Being the end of a year and the start of a new one, now is the perfect time of the year to start living a healthier life. If you haven't already included exercise and eating healthy into your daily activities, this is a great time of the year to start! You don't have to spend one ounce of energy on regretting what you could have, should have, or would have done in the past, just start today. There isn't a rule that says "if you begin exercising today, you have to start by running a mile". Walking for 30 minutes a day, will give you extra energy and you will feel the benefits quickly. The important thing when starting a routine is consistency; if you do it every day, it will quickly become something that you look forward to doing each day.

Even though it seems like making time to exercise takes time away from our families, it is only going to serve everyone well in the end. NOW is the time. Let's get those tennis shoes on and get moving!

Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What NOT to Wear!

Dressing appropriately for outside exercise during the winter months can be a challenge. This past Saturday morning, as I was getting ready for my run, I checked the temperature outside and it was 31 degrees. In preparation for the cold temperature, I decided to wear long johns underneath my running clothes in addition to gloves, a toboggan, and a neck warmer. For about the first mile, I felt great, but by mile two, I was roasting! I had to remove my hat, gloves, and neck warmer. Thank goodness, I had pockets in my vest that I could stuff all of my excess clothing into rather than carrying it for the remainder of the run.

I suppose that I would rather layer and be warm at the beginning and be able to shed extra clothing throughout the run, rather than starting out cold!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Vacations are Great, but.......

I love to go on vacation! I love the planning, the packing, the journey to the destination, and the trip. However, I think that what I love most about vacations is getting back home! I am certain that statement could get me admitted to a psychiatric ward, but it is true. When I am out of town, I don't sleep as well, eat as healthy, or stay on my exercise routine. Vacations always make me appreciate my home, my job, my family, and my routine.

I went skiing in Crested Butte, Colorado last week for the Thanksgiving holiday. We had a fabulous time being away from our every day life, seeing beautiful scenery, and hitting the slopes. I must say, that I am very thankful to be able to get away for a few days, but I am also very blessed to have such a wonderful life to which to come back.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BAD Shoes!

Well, I did it again. I wore my old shoes last week during a weekend run. It had been raining outside and I didn't want to get my newer shoes all yucky during my run. I searched through my closet and dug out my old shoes that I had run into the ground last year. Boy, was that a mistake! It felt like I was running barefoot for five miles. Afterwards, my legs paid the price by being extra sore. I have made that wrong choice before, but I guess it had been a while and so I forgot what the repercussions would be.

A very wise lady once told me that it is so important and worth the investment to have good shoes. She use to say, "if your feet hurt, it affects your whole body". Shoes are a base, our foundation for our body's stability.

During that particular run, it turned out that the roads were mostly dry and I wouldn't have messed up my "good" shoes after all. Next time it rains, I will not be so quick to use old, BAD shoes!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Winter Sports

It is that time of year again: winter sports!

My family and I are getting ready to go skiing next week in Crested Butte, Colorado with my parents. My folks don't ski much anymore and so they stay close to the condo while my husband, son, and I are on the slopes. We have some wonderful friends that allow us to use their condominium for the week that is located such that when you walk out of the back sliding glass door, you are able to put on skis and ski down to the lift. At the end of the day, we can ski back to the door! It is such an awesome set-up and we are so blessed to have such generous friends. We try to go each year during the Thanksgiving holiday break since it coincides with my birthday.

I have to say that the year round running and weight training that I do has always helped me to be prepared for this particular week of the year. My legs don't get tired or sore from the extra strain and I don't get as winded as I would with the higher altitude. Just another great reason to add exercise to a daily routine!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Soap Time

When I began my college career, I starting watching Days of Our Lives. I realize that most people probably wouldn't admit to following a soap opera, but I have watched the show for a while and really enjoy the characters. When my husband and I first got married, we would tape the show during the day and then watch it in the evenings. Since I am now working out on my lunch break, I can schedule it so that I can get in front of one of the T.V.s at the Summit, plug in a headset to a radio on one of the treadmills, and watch Days! It makes my workout fly by since I am not thinking so much about the exercise, but concentrating more on the show.

If you have the flexibility in your schedule and you have a favorite show, give it a try. Your workout will be over in a jif!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eat What You Want?

A common question that I get from various folks is "do you eat what you want?". I always have to think about how I answer the question, because it is not a simple answer. I actually do eat what I want to eat, but what I want to eat may be very different than what the person asking the question wants to eat. I like a variety of foods, but I don't like fried food. I rarely eat fattening foods, and when I do, my digestive system has a fit trying to process it! I would rather make something at home to eat since I know exactly what ingredients are used rather than going to a restaurant. My family and I try to keep eating out to once a week, but sometimes with a busy schedule, it is difficult to stick to that goal.

I believe that once you get use to eating a certain way, you become accustomed to it. I can certainly always do better (fewer sweets!), but I just take one day at a time and do the best that I can.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

National Runners' Health Survey

When I was going through my graduate program, I learned that surveys typically have a very low response rate. Since that time, I have tried to respond to any surveys that I receive through the mail to help out various research teams.

One of the surveys that I have received comes from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). They are trying to assess the impact of running on the health to runners over a period of time. The first one that I filled out and returned happened about 3 or 4 years ago; I received the second survey this week The questions cover your exercise routine, current health status, what-if situations (ex. if you were unable to exercise, would you be depressed?, etc.), and exercise goals for the future.

As I went through the process of filling out the survey, I was reminded of why I include exercise into my daily activities. The health benefits are huge! Every so often, it is difficult to stay committed to living healthy. The survey has helped to motivate me and recommit to daily exercise. Thanks to you, LBNL!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Works For You?

I was talking with a lady the other day in the locker room after workout. We were comparing our strategies for exercising. She likes to try to improve her mile time during the week on the treadmill, because she doesn't have a chance to run on the weekends. Her husband is very tall and running is hard on his body. However, they do take their dog for walks and her son rides his bike on the weekends. My week day workouts don't vary much on a day-to-day basis. I try to run on the treadmill 3 days a week and lift weight two days a week. I set the treadmill speed to the same speed everyday and I repeat the same weight routine. I am so rushed at lunch that I don't take the time to vary my workouts. Weekends are days that I try to improve my times and do different types of exercises with my family.

All of that to say, we all don't have to have the same workout routine to be successful at living a healthy life. It is important to have a program that works for you and make it part of your everyday life. So, the big question for you is.....What works for you?!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Saving Time!

For some reason, I had some fabulous runs over the weekend. I was able to improve my normal run time for 5 miles by 4 minutes on Saturday and 3 minutes on Sunday. I am not sure why I had such success, but I really enjoyed it! The temperature was in the mid-50's, with no humidity, and no rain. One couldn't hope for a more perfect day in regard to the weather. However, I could tell that I had run at a faster pace on the following Monday, because my calf muscles were sore. Feeling sore, for me, is confirmation that I have worked really hard during my workout routine.

I don't know if I am going to be able to save this much time every weekend during the fall season, but I am going to give it my best shot!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sporadic Exercising

Do you ever have "one of those weeks" where so many things get in the way of your regular routine? I AM HAVING ONE OF THOSE WEEKS! When I start thinking about all of the distractions that have gotten in the way of my workouts this week, they all sounds like excuses. Work has been so hectic and busy and I have had to work through lunch. In the evenings, we have had errands to run and other commitments and so I haven't had time. I am sure I will get back on my normal workout schedule. I just hope that it comes sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Summit - Great Place to Workout

I started working in Temple 5 1/2 years ago. One of the first things that I did prior to starting to work was to find a gym. I visited a few gyms around town and then I heard about the Summit. It has been a great choice for me in many respects.

The location is extremely convenient to my office, which cuts down on the time I have to spend in my car getting to the gym and back to the office. I want as much of my lunch time as possible to be spent working out.

The price is very competitive when you compare the annual fee with other gyms. This aspect definitely sweetens the deal for me.

The staff are always willing to respond promptly to requests, especially when it is within their control to address. I had recently made a comment about the volume level of the T.V.s needing to be turned up so that we could hear it through the head phones. The request has been addressed and now I can hear and watch my favorite soap (Days of Our Lives)! We requested another fan in the ladies dressing room and, the next day, we had an additional fan.

If you are looking around town for a great gym, check out the Summit!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I LOVE the Fall Season

Fall is a great time of year to start or resume an exercise program. If you are outside working out, you can enjoy the comfortable temperature, as well as, the beautiful change in the color of the trees. If you are at the gym, you can take advantage of the increased availability of all of the equipment due to school being back in session. If one continues to workout during all of the fall season, by the time winter arrives, it will have become a part of your weekly or daily routine and it will not be as difficult to stay committed during the winter.

During my outside workouts on the weekend, my family and I see an obvious increase in the number of folks exercising. Everyone you pass, is smiling and enjoying themselves. In contrast, during the summer, IF you pass someone, no one ever speaks or smiles because we all just trying to slug through the workout in the heat!

Take advantage of this time of the year and start making exercise part of your life!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not-so-great Workouts

I don't know what my problem has been this week, but I have had a difficult time with my workouts. It seems like each one has been a struggle to start and complete. Out of my many years of exercising, I have not had many times when I didn't look forward to working out. I remember, in 2002, my husband, Terry, and I trained for a full marathon for 8 months. After we finished running on race day, my motivation to exercise disappeared for about 6 weeks. I couldn't believe it and I was very concerned, at the time. Eventually, my drive and love for working out returned. I guess this is just "one of those times".

Here's to a better week worth of workouts!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Running - Exercise of Choice

If you have had a chance to read any of my previous posts, I am sure that you have come to realize that I am an avid runner. If I had to pick my favorite exercise, it would definitely be running. The reasons for my love for running are many!

First, I love the fact that, no matter where I am, I can go for a run. Whether I am out of town on vacation, away on a business trip, or at home on the weekends, I can put on a pair of tennis shoes and get after it!

Second, it is a very inexpensive sport in which to participate. As long as you have a good pair of shoes, a pair of shorts, and a t-shirt, you are good-to-go. No need to invest money in expensive equipment where running is concerned.

Third, it gives you the freedom to be outdoors or indoors (if it is raining); whatever works best for you on a particular day.

Forth, it is a flexible exercise in that you can do it in groups or by yourself. I typically run by myself during the week, but on the weekends, my family participates.

Fifth, it is a multi-seasonal sport so that you can enjoy it year-round.

As a note to the readers, my dad was a Baptist minister. Growing up, I learned the "art" of using three points from his sermons, but I had to add in a few extras on this topic! If you haven't tried running and you are in good physical condition, give it a try. You MIGHT just come to love running as much as I do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School is BACK!!!

School is back in session and there are so many things that I love about this time of year.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the fabulous weather! I am sure that you are thinking "it's 90 degrees outside today!". Let's face it, ninety beats 104 degrees any day! The fall is such a beautiful time of year and a great time to enjoy outdoor activities.

The next thing that I love is football season. My family and I attend the Baylor games and it is such a fun time together. I also play fantasy football with a group of co-workers, which gives everyone an excuse to give each other a hard time about winning and losing!

The other reason I love starting back to school is that the gym activity at lunch time (which is workout time for me) decreases dramatically. During the summer, it is difficult to find room to workout in the weight room. Now that it is September, we are back to the regular group of folks and much more space!

Three cheers for school and TEN for teachers!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Weekend Exercise

I took a day off from work this past Friday so that my family and I could finish-up some school shopping. As a part of each day, we have to fit in some time for working out. So, Friday morning, we started out the day with a run; the weather was beautiful. As usual, my son rode his bike while my husband and I ran. Saturday's workout was the same as Friday - fabulous! Exercising in the mornings is my preference because it jump-starts my day, both physically and mentally. On Sunday's, we go to church in the morning, eat lunch, take a nap (some of us take a nap!), and then we workout. This past Sunday, it was around 3:30 when we started our run and so, as you can imagine, it was extremely hot. We took several water bottles with us and we went for it! Even though the temperature can be blistering at times, I enjoyed being in the heat. I don't think that I could run in the heat everyday, but once a week is exhilarating.

What a great weekend we had. Thanks to my family for putting up with my habits! : )

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Exercise Converts!

Last night, I received a message from my parents saying that they had gone to exercise. Not only were they excited to tell me about it, but I was excited to hear the news. Through the years, I have tried to encourage my parents to add some sort of exercise routine to their daily life. However, a child can only make suggestions to a parent and a fine line exists between making a suggestion and being overbearing. I also recieved an e-mail from my sister-in-law this week saying that she was ready to get back to working out after having a baby and going through a move to Missouri.

These two examples show that it is never too late to incorporate exercise into your daily life, no matter your age or your circumstances! Can I get an "Amen"?!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gym Substitute

When I got to the gym today during lunch, I was getting dressed and I discovered that I didn't have my tennis shoes in my gym bag. Consequently, I didn't get to do my workout. So, after dinner tonight, my family and I took my dog for a mile and a half walk. Even though it wasn't my normal workout or at the typical intensity level, it felt good to get outside and get some exercise.

All of that to say, even if you can't get to a gym setting for daily exercise, alternate solutions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be found if you are creative!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Natural Stress Reducer!

I have mentioned in previous posts that I try to go to the Summit during my lunch break at work. Boy, did I need it today!

Let me explain. A huge benefit of working out is it serves as a natural stress reducer. I want to emphasize two things in my last statement. First, "natural", since it takes away the need of medication to deal with stress. Second, "reducer", because the exercise doesn't wipe out the stress, but helps to manage it. Right now, my job is more stressful than normal. Having a break in the day for exercising has helped to reduce the stress that I am experiencing and allows me to look forward to my afternoon at work.

I will be a proponent of exercise until my last breath because of the many benefits it adds to a person's life!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lame Workouts!

This past week, I have had some really lame workouts!

I have been rushing through my weight lifting and not completing all of my exercises to try to get back to the office. During my run on Sunday afternoon, I had to stop and walk at mile 3.5 for about a 1/2 of a mile - I really hate to walk; it makes me feel like I didn't get in a full workout. Yesterday, I totally missed getting to the gym.

I have come to realize that I can't have a perfect workout every day or every exercise session. I am not going to let myself get down or depressed about it; I just have to take each workout, one at a time and give it my all.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Motivations for a Healthy Life!

I know that each person has their own reasons for living a healthy life. I wanted to share a few things that motivate me to get to the gym for a workout or get outside and go for a run or a bike ride.

I have been a member of the Summit for over 6 years and try to get in a daily work out on my lunch break during the work week. Since I try to go to the gym around the same time each day, I tend to see the same group of fellow exercisers (is that a word?) everyday. Even though we don't necessarily talk or know each other on a personal level, I feel accountable to those folks to be there on a regular basis. Believe me, you know when someone is on vacation or has been sick because you miss seeing them working out.

On the weekends, I tend to go for a run outside; on Saturday's it is usually in the morning and on Sunday's it is in the afternoon. My motivation comes from wanting to be a good example for my family. My husband and I will run while my 9 year old son rides his bike along side us. It is time well spent for us as a family.

I have several other things that motivate me, but I am only going to mention one more. Since I included working out as part of my daily routine, I physically crave the feeling of exercising! I am not sure how long it took for me to start getting the added benefit of a mental boost, but I can tell you, if I have to miss a work out, I notice that I don't have as much physical or mental energy. I am sure that sounds strange unless you have experienced it, but I can tell you it is real!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fitness Journey - Nutrition Breakdown!

This post will be a mixture of encouraging words and some steps backwards in my fitness journey.

I had taken about three weeks off from lifting weights and I was having a difficult time finding the motivation to start back. Finally, last Friday, I decided that "today was the day". The energy that I felt after finishing that first weight workout reminded my of why I enjoy lifting!

Another challenge for me this week has been only eating foods that have nutritional value. Sometimes I really fall off of the wagon on this topic. I, not only fell off of the wagon, but the wagon rolled backwards over me and I have had a whale of a time jumping back on! As of this morning, I am ready to recommit to a diet of nutritional foods and to drinking plenty of water.

As a word of encouragement, if you ever find yourself straying from healthy living, you can't turn back the clock, but you can start from where you are today and make better choices. One phrase that I have adopted is, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life!"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fitness Journey

Today, I start my fitness blog and I am so excited to share my fitness journey with you.

Just to give a brief background, I began incorporating exercise into my daily routine about 21 years ago. One of the reasons that I have been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle is due to support from my family. It is critical to my fitness success to have the support of not only my husband and son, but also my extended family. We spend quite a bit of our family time enjoying activities outside as a family, such as playing tennis, biking, running, hiking, etc. and without their involvement, I would not be able to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Another important aspect of fitness that is important to me is eating healthy. For some reason, this piece is more difficult for me to maintain. I try to eat salads when I go out to eat and we cook using low fat ingredients at home.

I began today's posting talking about fitness being a journey and, indeed, it is a journey! I not only have to take it one day at a time to muster the motivation to get to the gym or to get outside and exercise, but I have to view it as another part of my daily routine, like brushing my teeth. I wouldn't go a day without brushing my teeth and so I shouldn't go a day (or most days) without exercising. My motto with regard to fitness.... It is NOT an option!